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Letters to CurtainUp -- September-October 2012
Yes and yes again. And on that first yes, he has been terrific each time so let's hope he can stay with the role in the third play and that marathon I wished for – e.s. January 9, 2013. I agree that Son of the Prophet was more Pulitzer-worthy, but then there've been plenty of awards that left us scratching our heads. This latest seems a reward for the playwright's gimmicky internet tie-in. two gals who almost left at intermission but stayed the course (it DID improve) January 7, 2013. Is it my imagination but has this been a worst-ever season so far -- new plays with nothing new or noteworthy, old plays that should stay in retirement???!!! — Barry Nestar, Manhattan Well. . . .it hasn't been the most thrilling ever season but we live in hope. e.s. December 6, 2012. Surely this is the worst season Broadway has had in my memory!!!— Annette Morandi, Manhattan December 6, 2012. You did right not to waste your time doing a full review on the awful The Anarchist. . .I only wish I could hae saved my money and not seen it. The producers would have been wise to pull the plug this weekend instead of thinking there were enough Mamet, LuPone, Winger fans to catch this bomb before it dies. Frankly, I'm not sure that the hit-Mamet two doors down the street is worth the big ticket price either-- and am shocked to hear that the producer is planning to revie American Buffalo. Didn't that crash the last time they did it? -- Allan Heller. December 6, 2012. So when do you think they'll close Dead Accounts? It was slightly more entertaining than Scandalous and Anarchist but not enough so at Broadway prices? I know Katie Holmes and Norbert Butz are being sent around the PR circuit-- but . . .my prediction is a pre-Xmas closing.-- Dick Steffens, a disillusioned theater goer December 5, 2012. Paula Vogel's Christmas Pageant thingie is a lot more moving than Spielberg's Lincoln film which I found a bit of a snooze. — Brad Hauser, Brooklyn. December 4, 2012. What's with the New York Times borrowing your name? At first I thought they'd taken you over-- but it looks as if they're doing a title theft. You'd think they had a big enough and experienced enough staff to dream up something more unique? -- Patty and Bill Saffran, loyal readers of your zine. December 4, 2012. I disagree with your review of A Civil War Christmas -- as childish as Starcatcher and not as charming as Once-- Pat Holmes. (Ed Note: One of several e-mails we had disagreeing with our positive review. |
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