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A CurtainUp Feature
Chicago Theaters
Though it's called the "Second City,""Chicago is a first-rate theater town. The list of theater companies below include successful regional theaters like Steppenwolf and smaller, storefront theater companies like the Neo-Futurists. If a company has its own performance space, the address of the theater is included. 500 Clown www.500clown.com 312-697-0722 Action-based theater that combines circus arts with traditional plays. About Face Theatre www.aboutfacetheatre.com 773-784-8565 This company creates new works that deal with issues of gender and sexual identity. American Theater Company www.atcweb.org 773-929-1031 ATC produces both new and classic American plays, or works dealing with the American identity. During the holiday season, they perform It's a Wonderful Life as a live radio play. Annoyance Theater 4802 N. Broadway St. www.annoyanceproductions.com 773-561-4665 Irreverant, often ill-mannered comedies, musicals, and sketch shows. BackStage Theatre Company www.backstagetheatrecompany.org 312-683-5347 Original plays and updated classics. Bailiwick Repertory 1229 W. Belmont Ave. www.bailiwick.org 773-883-1090 A diverse billing of plays and musicals, including works on gay themes. Barrel of Monkeys www.barrelofmonkeys.org 773-281-0638 A company of teaching artists that performs works created by the children in their school programs. Black Ensemble Theater 4520 N. Beacon St. www.blackensembletheater.org 773-769-4451 The Black Ensemble Theater's mission is to produce African American theater that reaches a diverse audience. Brown Couch Theatre Company www.browncouchtheatre.org A small company known for their shows and their snacks. Chicago Dramatists 1105 W. Chicago Ave. www.chicagodramatists.org 312-633-0630 A playwright-centered company that offers full productions as well as opportunities for development. Chicago Shakespeare Theater Navy Pier www.chicagoshakes.com 312-595-5600 CST both produces their own shows (not just Shakespeare) and presents shows by other professional theater companies. Collaboraction Theatre Co. www.collaboraction.org 312-226-9633 Edgy theater that crosses genres and involves different forms of media. Congo Square Theatre Company 1001 W. Roosevelt Rd. www.congosquaretheatre.org 312-587-2292 An ensemble theater whose critically-acclaimed productions focus on the African Diaspora. Court Theatre 5535 S. Ellis Ave. www.courttheatre.org 773-753-4472 The Court Theatre is the professional theater in residence at the University of Chicago. Dog and Pony Theatre Co. www.dogandponychicago.com 773-235-0492 Daring literary works with a leaning towards current social themes. Eclipse Theatre Company www.eclipsetheatre.com 312-409-1687 Eclipse Theatre produces the work of one established playwright each season. ETA Creative Arts Foundation 7558 S. South Chicago Ave. www.etacreativearts.org 773-752-3955 ETA supports African American theater, as well as visual arts. Gift Theatre 4802 N. Milwaukee Ave. www.thegifttheatre.org 773-283-7071 Gift's ensemble tackles classic and contemporary plays. The company also supports a short film program. Goodman Theatre 170 N. Dearborn St. www.goodmantheatre.org 312-443-3800 The Goodman is one of Chicago's oldest and most prestigious theater companies. House Theatre of Chicago www.thehousetheatre.com 773-251-2195 The House Theatre is a young, adventurous company producing their own new plays. Lifeline Theatre 6912 N. Glenwood Ave. www.lifelinetheatre.com 773-761-4477 Lifeline's programming includes shows for adults and children. Lookingglass Theatre Company 821 N. Michigan Ave. www.lookingglasstheatre.org 312-337-0665 Housed in Chicago's historic Water Tower Water Works, Lookingglass is known for its contemporary plays and reimagined classics. Mary-Arrchie 35 W. Sheridan Rd. www.maryarrchie.com 773-871-0442 Mary-Arrchie's interests lie in the edgy, the controversial, and the non-conservative. MPAACT www.mpaact.org 773-871-3000 MPAACT's work is inspired by Afrikan and Afrikan-American culture. Neo-Futurists 5153 N. Ashland Ave. www.neofuturists.org 773-275-5255 The Neo-Futurists have a cult following with their show Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind. Next Theatre 927 Noyes St. (Evanston) www.nexttheatre.org 847-475-1875 Next Theatre, located north of Chicago in Evanston, is a critically-lauded company with an interest in socially-provocative theater. Pegasus Players 1145 W. Wilson Ave. www.pegasusplayers.org 773-878-9761 This company's mission is to bring high-quality theater to both traditional audiences and underserved populations. Porchlight Music Theatre Chicago www.porchlighttheatre.com 773-325-9884 Porchlight has been presenting musicals in Chicago for more than ten years. Profiles Theatre 4741 N. Broadway St. www.profilestheatre.org 773-549-1815 Profiles Theatre strives to present character-driven plays with a strong focus on narrative and creative use of language. Prop Thtr 3502 N. Elston Ave. www.propthtr.org 773-539-7838 New works and new adaptations of literature. Raven Theatre 6157 N. Clark St. www.raventheatre.com 773-338-2177 American classics and new plays on the "American Experience." Raven Theatre also runs a program for children. Red Moon 1438 W. Kinzie St. www.redmoon.org 312-850-8440 Red Moon produces "spectacle" -- visually innovative performances often involving masks and puppetry -- on their mainstage and in public spaces. A Red Orchid Theatre 1531 N. Wells St. www.aredorchidtheatre.org 312-943-8722 New plays and contemporary interpretations of theater classics. Remy Bumppo 3717 N. Ravenswood Ave. www.remybumppo.org 773-244-8119 Professional productions of the great playwrights. Sandbox Theatre Project www.sandboxtheatreproject.org 773-456-2329 Sandbox performs site-specific theater around Chicago. Serendipity Theatre Company www.serendipitytheatre.org 773-296-0165 Producing original and established works. Shattered Globe Theatre www.shatteredglobe.org 773-770-0333 Shattered Globe is an ensemble theater company interested in contemporary and classic works and their relation to the American experience. Silk Road Theatre Project 77 W. Washington St., Pierce Hall www.srtp.org 312-857-1234 Silk Road features plays by writers with Asian, Middle Eastern, and Mediterranean backgrounds. Stage Left Theatre 3408 N. Sheffield Ave. www.stagelefttheatre.com 773-883-8830 StageLeft focuses on plays with political and social relevance. Steppenwolf Theatre Company 1650 N. Halsted St. www.steppenwolf.org 312-335-1650 Steppenwolf has been one of Chicago's premiere theater companies for more than thirty years. Strawdog Theatre 3829 N. Broadway St. www.strawdog.org 773-528-9696 Strawdog is interested in telling great stories. Their productions include radio dramas. Teatro Luna www.teatroluna.org 773-878-LUNA Teatro Luna is a company devoted to supporting Latina and Hispanic women in theater. The Hypocrites www.the-hypocrites.com 312-409-5578 The Hypocrites tackle highly theatrical plays and established plays in experimental forms. The Second City 1616 N. Wells St. www.secondcity.com 312-337-3992 Chicago's historic center for comedy and improv. Theater Wit www.theaterwit.com 773-506-8150 Theater Wit looks for smart and funny plays. TimeLine Theatre Company 615 W. Wellington Ave. www.timelinetheatre.com 773-281-TIME (8463) TimeLine Theatre presents historic stories that reflect today's issues. Trap Door Theatre 1655 W. Cortland St. www.trapdoortheatre.com 773-384-0494 Bringing new life to obscure works, especially European plays not usually seen on the American stage. Victory Gardens 2257-63 N. Lincoln Ave. www.victorygardens.org 773-871-3000 The prestigious Victory Gardens Theatre has been presenting theater and aiding in the development of new works for more than thirty years. WNEP Theater www.wneptheater.org As the name stands for "What No One Else Produces," WNEP sticks to theater on the fringe. |
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